
Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by SniperCoco, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. HarrisonMan

    HarrisonMan Known Penguin

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Wooble , Booble?
    as etiu said, we've seen your pictures and yes you are fat and you wear glasses too, looking like that kid that gets bullied in every school related movie
  2. SniperCoco

    SniperCoco Guest

    +0 / 0
    Erm sorry but I wear them while playing on PC or using my mobile phone. And I use other ones as shades in the sun so lmao you’re wrong. My face is a bit more like that structure but I still get complimented for looking good even though this is Minecraft no one would care about your face or any. Lmao..
  3. SniperCoco

    SniperCoco Guest

    +0 / 0
    I don’t like to act toxic, but as if I’m not a staff right now imma just reply to every single person who said shit at my back even though I couldn’t do nothing because these ransoms won’t leave and you know that @EhabSe. You become toxic when you live with toxic people around you.

    They use to so called bully for people being fat even though it is a really old roast and not original but they still call my mom jokes as old. Actually why am I really talking to these people? They’re obviously there to drop down your respect and shit.

    I did false mute, every staff does that but I’m the only one getting reported. It happens when you’re the only staff on with 100 players handling the chat, campers and get spammed in ac for people cheating even though no staff is on.
  4. HarrisonMan

    HarrisonMan Known Penguin

    Nov 7, 2016
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    You should've known whats waiting for you when you applied for staff, what did you expect? So don't take that 100 players shit as an excuse, you're not ready for staff position
    Just like i told someone else, maybe you'll be ready in a couple decades
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  5. SniperCoco

    SniperCoco Guest

    +0 / 0
    That’s not even an excuse lmao.. I’m there for like 5 it 6 hours trying to help and there is like one staff comin on for 15 mins.
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