Accepted Qwixo's Punishment Appeal

Discussion in 'Accepted Appeals' started by Qwixo, Jul 6, 2022.

  1. Qwixo

    Qwixo New Member

    Dec 15, 2021
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    +0 / 0
    In Game Name:
    What version were you on (1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.9 etc):
    Punished For:
    Vengeance - Unfair adventage - Cheat-6B (Practice)
    Punished By:
    No, I am not guilty
    I don't have any, because I wasn't planning to get banned just by normally playing. I should have shadowplay, but for some reason it doesn't work for like 6 months.
    Why do you think you should be unpunished:
    I was playing with my brother Welix123 on your server. We were playing Cave UHC, everything was fine and than we went to play Sumo. I haven't played Minecraft pvp for a few months and I wanted to try if I am still good at it. My brother likes UHC so we played that and after that we went to play Sumo, because I used to be good at it. It seemed that I wasn't too bad after some time, but suddenly me and my brother got banned. Most of the time at sumo (like 3 fights) I was winning, but the fight when we got both banned we were both hitting each other and taking almost no knockback. We weren' even going forward, just spinning a bit. As I've said. All from a sudden it was completely even for like 20 seconds, we were almost at the same spots as at the beginning of the combat, not moving too much and then we got banned. Both of us at the same moment and for the same reason. I think it was kind of lag, or maybe some mistake in anticheat.
    If you needed any more info or you wanted to discuss something, don't mind contacting me, because I would like to get this misunderstanding solved.
    Thanks for your quick response,
    Jan Lisy (Qwixo)
  2. chaptr

    chaptr New Member

    Apr 12, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    +3 / 2
    Appeal, Accepted

    The Qwixo account has had its ban reduced.
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