Comments on Profile Post by Marazure

  1. dark Midget with a good hairline
    dark Midget with a good hairline
    how is this even a management team they all just memes
    Jul 24, 2018
  2. Marazure
    First of all, they're retarded enough to promote an ex-blacklisted player to Senior-Mod who ETB'd the server 3 days prior. Second of all, they let a crying bitch who left the discords and staff team because they gave staff to Stefan back, why you may think? Because Mahdi and asodey need a girl in their staff team to think like they're worth anything.
    Jul 24, 2018
  3. Marazure
    Third of all, the same ex-blacklisted player they trusted, made Nazi jokes because the crying lil bitch (who insults everyone in the staff team and no one does anything about it) and they demoted him.
    Jul 24, 2018
  4. Marazure
    Fourth of all, they prefer to keep a shitty ass helper who is only there because she's a girl instead of an experienced ex-manager (best solution would be to demote both smh)
    Jul 24, 2018
  5. Marazure
    Message to Lyn: if you can take a dick, you should also be able to take a joke.
    Jul 24, 2018
  6. dark Midget with a good hairline
  7. Asodey
    Jul 24, 2018
  8. dark Midget with a good hairline
  9. Asodey
    Jul 24, 2018
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