Comments on Profile Post by LilConnect

  1. Olivia
    Sep 1, 2018
    LilConnect likes this.
  2. Thrintios
    Sep 1, 2018
    Olivia likes this.
  3. LilConnect
    What should "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" mean.
    Sep 1, 2018
  4. Amazing__
    @Thrintios my bro, if you ever wanna go on being a very cool ass dude, dont ever fucking bring lyn back. She literally swhore about the server (xd)
    Sep 1, 2018
    Godly and LilConnect like this.
  5. LilConnect
    Yeah. She said that the server is bad
    Sep 1, 2018
    Godly likes this.
  6. Godly
    Sep 1, 2018
  7. Thrintios
    Hey man, even though I'm sort of chill with Lyn now I'm not the one who got here back. And that ''hmm'' means that I don't agree with the ''If I was one of you boys I would leave'' and I've also never agreed with resigning because someone else joined. I do agree with that she did a pretty good job as a staff-member.
    Sep 1, 2018
  8. Thrintios
    Oh and I forgot to mention that I'm still a cool ass dude @Amazing__
    Sep 1, 2018
  9. LilConnect
    Ok she does job good. But all the things she did and then just came back as staff because why not. Now you see why everyone trashtalks managements team
    Sep 1, 2018
  10. Thrintios
    Because decisions are made doesn't mean the whole management team is involved in it all the time. And so what? I did terrible stuff aswell and look where I'm at now.
    Sep 1, 2018
  11. LilConnect
    You're a different person. Everyone likes your personality and forgave you...
    Sep 1, 2018
  12. Thrintios
    Yes but maybe (I'm not saying she 100% has) she has/can change her personality aswell, and after some time you guys can possibly forgive her aswell? Keep in mind that I did worse shit than her.
    Sep 1, 2018
  13. LilConnect
    I don't think someone like her can change. Just wonder how many rules did she brake in the past 3 weeks
    Sep 1, 2018
  14. Thrintios
    And what makes you think that I could change while I did worse shit than her? (I mean, my toxic behaviour was just an act. People nowadays say that I shouldn't be so nice to others).
    Sep 1, 2018
  15. LilConnect
    Everyone can not be toxic while staff just to not lose the position
    Sep 1, 2018
  16. m
    Resigning because someone got a staff rank is a pathetic ass reason to resign lol. If you're going to leave that easily you probably aren't fit to be a good staff.
    Sep 1, 2018
  17. LilConnect
    @Moni Would you work with someone that you hate?
    Sep 1, 2018
  18. Thrintios
    @LilConnect - Hmm thats honestly true. But I'd guarantee you that if I would ever resign (and I don't think I'll resign ever again), but if I would, I wouldn't act toxic anymore since I've left that behind me.
    Sep 1, 2018
  19. LilConnect
    No one can change in 2 hours. she today said " this server is bad" on discord and got kicked. if you hate the server why do you play it. and also on the staff application requirements it says that you must not have any punishments in the last 15 days on any platform
    Sep 1, 2018
  20. m
    Yes I would as I actually have good staff experience and know that to be a good staff member you need to work with the rest of your staff team as you know you are a team. My personal opinion on someone would not affect how I would perform as a staff. That is called being professional and that is what is required to be a good staff.
    Sep 1, 2018
  21. dark Midget with a good hairline
    dark Midget with a good hairline
    exactly what moni says, now badr4headass-admin
    Sep 1, 2018
    youssefbehi481, Callmepro3 and m like this.
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