Comments on Profile Post by TheDeathBringer

  1. MrCool12371
    i don't dislike him, personally i just think he could handle negative comments better tbh
    Nov 3, 2018
    TheDeathBringer likes this.
  2. TheDeathBringer
    @Kai ^ seems like a good suggestion.
    Nov 3, 2018
  3. Etiuopia
    Ever felt hatred for someone without a specific reason? Like their existence just ruins your mood for a billionth of a second? That's how most people feel about Kai (and personality lol.) Most of the time you could say why you dislike someone. I can say that I dislike adverts because he's cringey, you can hate me because I'm way too smart of you. But Kai is just someone who people hate because he exists.
    Nov 3, 2018
  4. TheDeathBringer
    I understand that. But until you give that guy a chance or try and understand the man. You Shouldn't hate. Just saying if you so hate em why tell others if it's just his existence that bothers you. That just being a more hate to the guy. That is so not cool just to bring hate upon a person cause his existence annoys you
    Nov 3, 2018
    shuru likes this.
  5. Etiuopia
    I personally do have reasons, many. I'm just guessing for others, that's why I never mentioned myself.
    Nov 3, 2018
    TheDeathBringer likes this.
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