Comments on Profile Post by Dynasty

  1. TbhMike
    I mean, the day he got Mod, I told him to resign in 2 weeks instead of 1 week. So, he actually kept his word and did what he said. Bravo *clap clap*
    May 3, 2020
  2. Dynasty
    Can I get context to why? Damn, I feel like I don't know any of you anymore.
    May 3, 2020
  3. Etiuopia
    i wanted to resign for a long time but I was encouraged not to. I wasn't active at all and around the time I got accepted, I got a new job and I work through the night so my motivation and productivity dropped even stronger. saw no point in staying so I dipped.
    May 4, 2020
    Dynasty and TbhMike like this.
  4. Etiuopia
    cold isn't the same either, I remember when I had to punish back to back and now it's like once every few minutes. Minecraft community sucks ass too. im giving myself a few days before fully disappearing tbh.
    May 4, 2020
    TbhMike likes this.
  5. TbhMike
    I mean you can still be a Chat Moderator on Discord..
    May 4, 2020
  6. Dynasty
    Yeah, I've heard that Cold as a community, well the forums, like a part of the history in CN, have kind of disappeared or stayed quite. While I assume that there are plenty of players since it's cracked once more.
    May 4, 2020
    TbhMike likes this.
  7. shuru
    yeah pretty much i havent been on cold in a long ass time but it seems somewhat inactive to me :(
    Sep 10, 2020
    Dynasty and TbhMike like this.
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