Denied FoundYourflow's Punishment Appeal

Discussion in 'Denied Appeals' started by FoundYourflow, May 19, 2020.

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  1. FoundYourflow

    FoundYourflow New Member

    May 19, 2020
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    In Game Name:
    What version were you on (1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.9 etc):
    Punished For:
    Cheating ((Beingtoxic + sets off alerts <- false, Move's wurst (actions Unalert did and its 1.15.2 get a brain)
    Punished By:
    Unalert the osist
    I am **NOT** guilty
    I can't provide proof, because I couldn't record as everything went so fast and Unalert barely let me control during the SS. I joined the Anydesk almost 10 seconds after being requested, meaning I couldn't have deleted anything. The user Unalert dragged the following out of my mods folder, Wurst 1.15.2, Fabric Installer, optifine.jar. Then a few minutes later he found out how to see the age of when the last time the folder was modified, he saw it was last modified 2-3 minutes ago and banned me for such (he changed his ban reason after I exposed him) because I didn't modify it but HE dragged it outside of the mods folder.
    Why do you think you should be unpunished:
    Because there were no cheats found! The only cheat found in the mods folder (I was on Forge) was Wurst 1.15.2, and fabricinstaller 1.15.2 (dependency for Wurst) I had the hacks for 1.15.2 as I was testing hacks such as nuker, etc on my Prison server. Unalert was extremely rude the entire SS, and very rushed, making me think he didn't know how to SS a mac user. Hence I belive his decision was flawed.
  2. SearchForMe

    SearchForMe Penguin Extremist
    OG VIP Halloween

    Apr 28, 2018
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    You are not allowed to play on our server with a client, wether you are using it or not. The fact that you are complaining in the discord and being toxic to the staff member do not help your case. Denied. Reappeal in 14 days if still interested.
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