
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ItzJojo2000, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. ItzJojo2000

    ItzJojo2000 Penguin

    Mar 24, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    +68 / 10
    Waddup homies (cringe)
    Ok I'm just straight up quitting MC. Have been 2-3 years now since I started playing mc and now I have been bored with this empty head ass game even though CB is released, i'm having problems with it opening. I won't be like just quitting mc and never coming back I will just get on for 30mins for timepass. Exams coming in 2. So I don't really know wtf I should do now just study and get a 15cm glass I guess ;). Ez Exams. Plus I will be going on summer vac and I won't have internet there. MC is getting more boring and i'm really obsessed with playing with my friends and ding dong ditching some people in our apartment and going out for takin in fr3sh air. Just 2 weeks and 2 days for exams to be over then
    SUMMER VACATION!!!!!. ok this is extremely cringy.Back on quitting mc. Now i'm just getting in with some mobile games and playing CoD Multiplayer but I will miss u guyz. If you think Zocs sux reply #DUMBOZOCSCAN'TEVENLIVEALIFE.Oki I don't r3ally know what to say now I guess I will just uh.......Ok fuck this pce.
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