Accepted Xstaringatyoux

Discussion in 'Accepted Appeals' started by XstaringatyouX, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. XstaringatyouX

    XstaringatyouX New Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    IGN: XstaringatyouX

    Punished for: I was punished for "hacked client" but i know it was a false ban.

    Punished By: DanielTheWorm

    Guilty: No as i was not hacking.

    Proof: No but the staff member that banned me should have been recording because of this ban.

    Why do you think you shoild be unpunished?: I was banned for "hacked client" because a staff member said i 7 blocked him and he admitted it was only a 4 hit combo so i hit him 4 times he goes into v and bans me off 1 sketchy combo and at that point when i saw him go in v i knew i was going to get banned so i go into teamspeak and asked him "if i 7 blocked you why dont you ss me" as if i am using a 7 block hacked client he will confidently find it as you can easily find a client with 7 blocks and he said no you were using a hacked client and that was final and if i was hacking he would be able to find the client so i said why didnt you ss me if you can find a 7 block hacked client when i wasn't hacking but he kept saying no you were cheating but i know i wasnt cheaitng at all but i dont understand if i was using a 7 block reach hacked client then he would be able to find me so why didn't he freeze me and find it so he can ban me for sure but he didn't and banned me off a "4 hit combo" and i asked why dont you record your bans he said "because im admin bro" so he had no proof to back up his side and it was a guaranteed false ban as he has nothing to back up his point no proofand he cant find anything to proove anything against me so there is literally nothing on me.
  2. Pengurino

    Pengurino Alpha Penguin
    Staff Member Owner                                                                     2018 | Reputation                 

    Aug 5, 2016
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    You have been unbanned.
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