Dear ColdNetwork,

After some harsh times with the bots, we found ourselves with some kitmap problems which I hope are fixed now, just make sure to put your render distance on 4. I'll be giving some info about the following topics, I'll keep it short don't worry.

- Staff-Team Future
- KitMap
- OPFactions > Factions
- Prison
- OPSkyBlock
- HCFactions release

Staff-Team Future:

Unfortunately we lost our final manager BAUM, which is a decision that was hard for him but possibly the best for him, BAUM was here since the release when we had our OPFactions and OPSkyBlock servers only. Which was in our opinion the most fun time but due to lack of updates and obviously the release of our more pvp based servers which got more attention they were kinda lost. BAUM just didn't really feel the practice community, he liked it way more with the SkyBlock community which I totally understand this is partly the reason why he's letting go off...
Hello, penguins!

We've had our own discord for a while now. People usually can't find an invitation or they've to ask the staff members. So, by Nick's permission we're willing to post it's invitation here. This invitation will NEVER expire. It'll be easier for everyone to join from now onwards. I hope this will be helpful.


Your's Sincerely,
Information KitMap, done right
Dear Cold-Network,

We actually spend time in testing and thinking features through from now on since prison, prison went pretty well and there weren't many bugs. I feel like it's just our pvp community who doesn't like grinding but I might be wrong. Anyways here's a feature list of KitMap:

We'll be doing weekly /f top payouts to keep it alive
Every week for 6 weeks we give the following rewards:
1st: 50 euro coupon
2nd: 25 euro coupon
3rd: 10 euro coupon

We have a new jungle-themed spawn and warzone for this map.

- Removed daily rewards etc
- Added Voting back and the Vote crate, + vote parties
- Leveling system and level rewards. (With leaderboards /toplevels)
- Fixed enderpearl in spawn bug
- Fixed enderpearl out of koth bug
- Fixed Subclaim signs
- Redone the scoreboard to make it look better
- Added backstab cooldown and made it actually hit someone
- Fixed Pearl glitching (besides leaves because that's near-impossible to fix)
- Added pearling through fence gates
- Redone...
Dear ColdNetwork,

We'll be doing our first ever EOTW on kitmap, this will have some coupon rewards.

And we're resetting and updating coming saturday, we're not sure of the time yet but I'll make a thread within a few days with it's features and the time.

We'll be doing a Practice tourney tomorrow at 7PM GMT+2!
This will be a brackets event hosted by me in return of a 20 euro rank or upgrade. I'm not sure whether I'll do 2 or 1 tourney but that's yet to be decided.


Dear Cold-Network,

Click here for the countdown!

As it's taken 1 more week of the prison release I'll tell the ones hyped for it, it was worth it
We have tested 99% of this prison and are pretty sure it'll be a smooth release!

It's current features:
- Upgradable backpacks
- AuctionHouse
- Hidden blackmarket shop
- A few things added to sign shops
- Shops for your plot and a combat shop
- Casino, /jackpot, /bar, /coinflip and /rps
- Rank A-Z + Free, and 50 prestiges
- 6 Donator ranks
- 4 Crates
- KoTH Event (Schedule is 4PM GMT +2, and 7PM GMT+2 every day and one more at 9PM GMT+2 on saturday and sunday) it's inside /warp pvp
- Menus for almost everything
- A plot world
- A free world
- Clans, you can create and manage clans on rank E!
- mcmmo
- Variety of pickaxes and swords spread over crates
- /warp...