Comments on Profile Post by dsfshfhsdhf

  1. Xen
    Nice xD, hope to move to Dubai
    Dec 22, 2017
    BituteDuzge likes this.
  2. dsfshfhsdhf
    Dubai is obviously very nice, but expensive as fuck.
    Dec 22, 2017
    Xen likes this.
  3. BituteDuzge
    omfg u stupid? just don't go to korea
    Dec 22, 2017
    Xen likes this.
  4. dsfshfhsdhf
    Dec 22, 2017
  5. Xen
    Go to dubai, even tho it is expensivie, its pretty ez to get money
    Last time i went to dubai, in england £5 you can get chips, burger and a ton of shit whilst 5 dirhams in dubai got me 10 chips.................................
    Dec 22, 2017
  6. BituteDuzge
    idk i hate korea since im japan, jk, idk i dont think it would be good to live there
    Dec 22, 2017
  7. dsfshfhsdhf
  8. ItzBlaze
    @XenBOTAFK You're wrong. If you go over there, you wont get money but things will be slightly cheaper.
    Dec 22, 2017
  9. dsfshfhsdhf
    You can easily get a job in South Korea and most of the people around Seoul speak English very well.
    Dec 22, 2017
  10. Jacob°
    You'll regret that decision
    Dec 24, 2017
  11. dsfshfhsdhf
    Nah, South Korea is awesome. You can get a decent apartment for around 500 euro per month. And if you become an English teacher in a public school, you make like 1200-2650 euro per month, so you'll have a good life
    Dec 24, 2017
  12. Jacob°
    >English teacher
    >doesn't know Korean
    >realises that Korean writing is complete different from speaking
    >realises that Koreans are a lot smarter, so you'll have to finish an education level you'll never even reach
    Dec 24, 2017
    dsfshfhsdhf likes this.
  13. dsfshfhsdhf
    You don't have to know Korean to teach English in Seoul, South Korea. I would only have to finish the ''EPIK'' program to teach English in South Korea, which isn't that hard at all.
    Dec 24, 2017
  14. dsfshfhsdhf
    And actually, even though you don't need to know Korean, I am planning on learning it. I'm 16 now, planning to move to Seoul when I'm like 25, so I have around 9 years to learn Korean, and its not the hardest language. I'm already saying ''goodmorning'' in Korean to my mom, just to practice (she really hates it btw)
    Dec 24, 2017
  15. BituteDuzge
    Dec 24, 2017
  16. Jacob°
    That's not how it works... Anyways, "you make like 1200-2650 euro per month, so you'll have a good life" I see that you aren't that great in economics...
    Dec 24, 2017
  17. dsfshfhsdhf
    ''Salaries for teachers that work at public schools, through the EPIK and GEPIK programs, is determined by an established scale.''
    ''Public school teachers can expect a salary of anywhere from 1.5 to 3 million won, which is about $1150 - $2650 USD. Housing is typically provided and flights reimbursed, bringing start up costs down substantially.''
    Dec 24, 2017
  18. dsfshfhsdhf
    ''Salaries for English teachers in Korea that work at private language centers, called Hagwons, range anywhere from 1.9 to 2.4 million won, or about $1600 to $2000 USD, per month. ''
    Dec 24, 2017
  19. dsfshfhsdhf
    I have 2 friends who teach English in Seoul and 1 of them called Nick gets his appartment paid by the school
    Dec 24, 2017
  20. Jacob°
    That is literally the same wage as in the Netherlands lol, if not worse.
    Dec 24, 2017
  21. dsfshfhsdhf
    You clearly don't know what kind of a country South-Korea is
    Dec 24, 2017
  22. Jacob°
    You clearly don't know how economics work and how it's like to be a teacher lol
    Dec 24, 2017
  23. dsfshfhsdhf
    You forgot the fact that most of the schools pay the rent of the foreigners appartment, so you will have more money left than a teacher in Germany, UK, Netherlands for example. Also because everything is cheaper in Korea overall.
    Dec 24, 2017
  24. Jacob°
    That's netto lol
    Dec 24, 2017
  25. Manuel
    Good luck! :^)
    Dec 24, 2017
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