Can anyone awesome enough do this for me please?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Safdar/Agrolax, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Safdar/Agrolax

    Safdar/Agrolax Known Penguin

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Hi boys.
    So I was thinking, many of you people are so wealthy, with your own credit card, own money, and you could do whatever you want.
    Well, I really want a premium account from any of you guys.
    It would be great. I have been playing Minecraft for more than 3 years, and still struggling getting an account.
    My whole Google History is like "Minecraft Premium Account Giveaway 2017 June 11" or like "Minecraft account list 2017".
    I have entered A LOT of giveaways before, don't know if they were fake (probably was) but I wasted my time on them.
    Then I have entered more legit ones, and I didn't check the videos the Channel uploaded so I don't know if I won any. The reason I was unable to check them was because I entered millions of giveaways.
    I really hope you guys donate me any account. Any IGN will be appreciated.
    Someone giving me a new and fresh account or a giftcode would be sick.
    I remember someone letting me borrow his account, he put all the trust on me.
    Guys, if you can let me borrow it, you can put all the trust on me. I wouldn't harm the account a bit.

    Guys DM (Direct Message) me if you are capable of getting me one. That would be very appreciated. But if you buy me one, name it Agrolax.

    Thank you! :)
  2. Pano

    Pano New Member

    Aug 22, 2016
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    I don't own my own premium account, sorry.
    But I'm sure @MATT_YT_GAMER can lend you one of his alts.
  3. Rezar

    Rezar Mini Polarbear
    ColdNetwork Egg Gucci Dumb Rich Cold 4Life

    Feb 28, 2017
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    u can find 500+ prem acccs on google
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